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Internship of Alicia Choo

Internship of Alicia Choo

My month at Shared Services was a truly meaningful end to my summer. I joined SSC without much expectations and what I experienced here was an inspiring experience – working alongside motivated and approachable colleagues who truly care about the Charity Sector.

During my time here, I worked on several projects; compiling a spreadsheet of key Charities, researching productivity in the Charity Sector, revamping materials for Shared Services’ PDPA presentations and brainstorming for potential service areas. In particular, doing research about productivity in the Charity Sector allowed me to glean a lot of important insights about the Charity Sector – how it functions, pressing issues, as well as how Shared Services can help the Sector to become more sustainable and productive. Additionally, the focus on small Charities during my time here also helped me to understand the importance of organisations like Shared Services in the Sector to enable small Charities to continue serving their beneficiaries.

One of my most important takeaways from this internship has been being challenged to think creatively. For instance, in developing marketing surveys and outreach materials for potential service areas, I had to go beyond what I was familiar with to fulfill the task at hand. Although the prospect of doing something unfamiliar was extremely daunting, Shared Services provided an extremely encouraging environment in which I could develop these materials, as well as refine my internal thought processes.

It’s been such a pleasure to work alongside these amazing individuals, and I’ll always be thankful that I was given the opportunity to intern at SSC.


