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Risk Assessment

Charities, daily face, a range of strategic, financial and operational risks. Failure to anticipate, address and manage these promptly, could damage, not only its reputation, but more importantly, stakeholders’ perception, on whose support all Charities rely on.

Charities and IPCs typically operate in a lean environment, resulting in potential risk from inadequate or failed processes, people and system.

A Risk Assessment is a systematic process which helps Charities identify and analyse such instances, hence accepting or minimising the impact from such risks.

SSC’s Risk Assessment exercise is a facilitative exercise with the management of the Charity to identify, quantify and treat the key risks faced by the Charity. SSC shall provide the Charity with a framework to monitor the risks and that the action plans have been implemented within the specified time lines.

Please write to or call 6339 2811 for more information about this service.